For more information, please contact us at

Phone: 732-447-9429

Dawn to Dusk Wellbeing Center is approved for the following DDD services:

  • Behavioral Supports: Individual and/or group counseling, behavioral interventions, diagnostic evaluations or consultations related to the individual’s developmental disability and necessary for the individual to acquire or maintain appropriate interactions with others. Intervention modalities must relate to an identified challenging behavioral need of the individual. Behavioral Supports includes a complete assessment of the challenging behavior(s), development of a structured behavioral modification plan, implementation of the plan, ongoing training and supervision of caregivers and behavioral aides, and periodic reassessment of the plan.
  • Community Based Supports/Individual Supports: Services that provide direct support and assistance for participants, with or without the caregiver present , in or out of the participant’s residence, to achieve and/or maintain the outcomes of increased independence, productivity, enhanced family functioning, and inclusion in the community, as outlined in his/her Service Plan. Community Based Supports/Individual Supports are delivered one-on-one with a participant and may include but are not limited to: assistance with community-based activities and assistance to, as well as training and supervision of, individuals as they learn and perform the various tasks that are included in basic self-care, social skills, and activities of daily living.
  • Community Inclusion Services: Services provided outside of a participant’s home that support and assist participants in educational, enrichment or recreational activities as outlined in his/her Service Plan that are intended to enhance inclusion in the community. Community Inclusion Services are delivered in a group setting not to exceed six (6) individuals.
  • Day Habilitation: Services that provide education and training to acquire the skills and experience needed to participate in the community, consistent with the participant’s Service Plan. This may include activities to support participants with building problem-solving skills, self-help, social skills, adaptive skills, daily living skills, and leisure skills. Activities and environments are designed to foster the acquisition of skills, building positive social behavior and interpersonal competence, greater independence and personal choice. Services are provided during daytime hours and do not include employment-related training. Day Habilitation may be offered in a center-based or community-based setting.
  • Prevocational Training: Services that provide learning and work experiences, including volunteer work, where the individual can develop general, non-job-task-specific strengths and skills that contribute to employability in paid employment in integrated community settings. Services may include training in effective communication with supervisors, co-workers and customers; generally accepted community workplace conduct and dress; ability to follow directions; ability to attend to tasks; workplace problem solving skills and strategies; and general workplace safety and mobility training. Prevocational Training is intended to be a service that participants receive over a defined period of time and with specific outcomes to be achieved in preparation for securing competitive, integrated employment in the community for which an individual is compensated at or above the minimum wage, but not less than the customary wage and level of benefits paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by individuals without disabilities. Prevocational Training services cannot be delivered within a sheltered workshop. Supports are delivered in a face to-face setting, either one-on-one with the participant or in a group of two to eight participants.
  • Respite: Services provided to participants unable to care for themselves that are furnished on a short-term basis because of the absence or need for relief of those persons who normally provide care for the participant. Respite may be delivered in multiple periods of duration such as partial hour, hourly, daily without overnight, or daily with overnight. Respite may be provided in the participant’s home, a Department of Human Services (DHS) licensed group home, or another community based setting approved by DHS. Some settings, such as a hotel, may be approved by the State for use when options using other settings have been exhausted.